Woodruff & Howe Environmental Engineering, Inc. (WHEE) provides various civil engineering services to a wide range of industrial and municipal clients. These services include -

  • Feeding Operations (CAFOs/AFOs) facilities/farms as well as animal housing structures/barns
  • Pavement Design
  • Performance of site evaluations to address issues that may negatively affect development
  • Performance of investigations, evaluations and review of technical studies for attorneys involved in cases pertaining to engineering issues
  • Design of recommended facilities or structures required to remediate or repair issues originating from lawsuits
  • Peer review services for municipal water and wastewater treatment service providers, including development of Scope of Work documents and Request for Proposal (RFP) documents and Request for Qualifications (RFQ) documents
  • Performance of Hydrologic Studies
  • Design of Stormwater Management Systems to collect runoff and control the release to prohibit damage from flooding and increased runoff
  • Design of sediment and erosion control systems and Best Management Practices (BMPs)
  • Hydraulic Design of Storm Sewer Systems
  • Design of sanitary sewer collection systems and gravity outfalls
  • Design of sanitary sewer force mains
  • Design of sanitary sewer wet wells and lift stations
  • Design of systems to collect and treat pollutants contained in storm water runoff
  • Development of Mass grading plans
  • Design of waste holding and transfer mechanisms (i.e., animal waste treatment/management systems) for Concentrated Animal